Save the date. Our Annual Fish & Chips fundraising dinner is taking place on November 21, 2024. There is a choice of fish or chicken. Either Eat In or Take Out. Take Out begins at 5:30 pm. Seating in the Parish Hall at 6:00 pm. Tickets are $23.00, Child (under 12 years) $11.00
Order delicious chocolate candy for the holiday season and help Annunciation with its fundraising. Information and brochure packets are available in the Parish Hall.
All orders need to be in by November 3. We are collecting diapers, Enfamil formula,baby wipes and other baby items for North Porch and monetary donations for the United Thank Offering to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. Both collections will be presented at Convention (Nov. 8th-9th) by Sue and Kathiann.
Outreach for Sunday, November 3rd is UTO. Congratulations! to Karen & Steve Bullen who were chosen unanimously by the Vestry to be this year's Hegg Receipents. The award honors parishioners 60+ for making contributions to their church or the Diocese. The ceremony took place on June 9th.